Here we are gobbling up our chicken rice and carrot cake!hmmm... actually looks like all the food's gone already..
Anyone has photos of the ice cream? First time in my life I bought 8 tubs of ice cream! And then 2 days later (@ Pastors' Summit in Malacca) I bought another 4 to get the Youth Pastors and leaders to get together. That makes it 12 tubs in one week!
And of course we remembered our dear Cclia in Timor!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
FIRST Regional Activity of 2009
So we had a Christmas party and this year we had dress up! You guys did an AMAZING JOB! It was TOTALLY entertaining and worth it.... my favourite is of course our very own Snow Bird. Doesn't she look like the KFC Chicky or whatever it's called? Here's a video of her first. Cecilia, if you're reading this, you NEED to watch this video.. Wendy, I'm so proud of you ;) The GIRLS defintely wins when it comes to dress up!!!
And I have absolutely NO idea what the boys were trying to do.. only God knows..
Anybody has a nice photo/video of our lovely Christmas tree? Do post it if you have.. You guys are amazing! That was a really nice and ingenious Christmas tree.. with revolving colourful lights and all!
Looking forward to another Christmas... =)
Monday, January 19, 2009
Misses to R1/2
yo people.
joanna here, just wanna leave a note and say i miss REGION 1/2!!!!!!!!!!
never know how much you guys mean to me till i am faraway from you guys( the care group, the net group, the edge, the sunday services)
anyways... just wanna say a big big big thank you to RUTH CHEE, ESTHER CHEE and SERAPHINE CHANG!!!! and of coz many different ones for your smses of care and concern....
just wanna say i love you guys!!!!
its 7.35pm, back from meeting esther and phine. time to book in to my camp or resort...