Saturday, April 19, 2008

When one attends a BARBEQUE, one evaluates it by these 2 categories.

1. The Food, primarily, determines the quality of a barbeque. Most of the time.
Today, much was promised about the barbeque. It was rumored that there would actually be Stingray at a Youth Barbeque. For the first time in history. And for $5 a head too!

Sadly the food today was somewhat cheap, dry, a little burnt, and there wasn't quite enough of it. Category 1 fail.

The hype surrounding the food was huge, but not as huge as the hype about the WATERSLIDE OMGWOW

which brings us to category

2. The Entertainment

This year's BBQ was at Sembawang building, just like last year's was. Only this year's was waaay much more exciting. Last year there were silly games (Fire Hunter Earthquake) and this year there was a FRIGGIN WATERSLIDE OMGWOW.

Here's one of the first ones to slide down the plastic sheet-covered carpark ramp. Imagine that. They put a plastic sheet on a carpark ramp and poured soapy water all over it.
With rubber tyres to hold it down at the sides.

4 frames with my phone camera on BurstMode. If i knew how to .gif it I would but I can't.

Mom wouldn't let me slide, what with my broken collarbone and all, and she told Nigel V to keep me off it. In addition, maternal people like Wendy and Cecilia wouldn't let me slide.

As such, I spent about an hour wistfully watching people fly down the ramp at top speed into the cheap mattresses, wishing I could have a go or two. Or three. Or more.

LemSim had 2 suggestions for me. The first being to just chiong in while they weren't looking, and the second an extension of the first; to "accidentally" fall down while standing in the vincinity. I rejected both, and decided to find an inventive way to have fun without actually sliding.

This was my solution.
Examine this picture carefully. In the bottom right corner you'll see (presumably) a girl sliding happily down, while Lennie Ebenezer Wee(top right corner) lets loose a bucket of water on the poor unsuspecting slider.
It just so happens that there was a convenient bridge right over the carpark ramp, which I picked as my base. A bunch of insane guys soon took notice and joined in.

We gleefully splashed almost every single person who slide-d. Which was fun for not just us splashers, but also the spectators, who quadrupled once we started splashing. Raucous cries of "Wahoo, nice one" when we made a good hit, and "Waaah, wasted" when we missed.

In fact, it was (probably) also fun for those being splashed, seeing as they were prepared to be wet already anyway.
And to round it off, we surprised Natasha (Kate Priyah Vellasamy) with this here heart-shaped tealight formation thingy.

Happy Birthday to Natasha (Kate Priyah Vellasamy)!

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